Hellenic Front

Elliniko Metopo (Greek Ελληνικό Μέτωπο Ellinikó Métopo Greek Front) was founded in 1994 Greek party on the extreme right edge of the spectrum. Essentially, it was an attempt, the younger members of the then defunct nationalist parties EPEN ( Ethniki Enosis Politiki, ie National Political Union) and enek ( Eniaio Ethnikistiko Kinima, ie United Nationalist Movement ) to unite. Through its chairman Makis Voridis had the Greek front good contacts with the French National Front.

On 15 May 2005, the Central Committee of the Hellenic Front announced the setting of the political party activities. The background for this formed the desire of party members for closer cooperation with the party Orthodox people meeting ( LA.OS ). With consistently below 0.1 % of the vote in the elections, the party was indeed meaningless, but they had often pulled through impressive posters against illegal immigrants public attention to themselves. Here 's chairman Makis Voridis was a frequent visitor to the media. The last known case was a public meeting of supporters of the Greek front with members of the party Ouranio Toxo in Edessa, by which the Conference of the Ouranio Toxo party has failed.

During its 10 - year history, the Greek front has founded a monthly newspaper, the " Ellinikes Grammes " ( Greek lines). After setting the political activities of the party, the newspaper became a web newspaper, which continues to exist and the nationalist wing LAOS represents.

See also: Political parties in Greece
