Hemorrhois ravergieri

Raver Gier whip snake ( Hemorrhois ravergieri )

Raver Gier whip snake ( Hemorrhois ravergieri, formerly Coluber ravergieri ) counts within the family of snakes ( Colubridae ) to the genus Hemorrhois. The species was first described in 1832 by Édouard Ménétries scientifically. There are no known subspecies.

  • 5.1 Notes and references
  • 5.2 Literature


Raver Gier whip snake reaches a rule, a body length of a total of just over 100 cm, in the Middle East and animals were treated with approximately 150 cm in length have been found. In general, the kind acts vigorously and a bit stocky. The head is of medium size and is not much, but clearly from the rest of the body from. The base color of the body is a gray to gray-brown or grayish olive. Be drawn darker, some bright spots lined, which then go back to first in a wavy band and on the tail in a straight line across the back. There are also signs on the flanks from a series of darker spots, which came together in a line at the tail. Under the eyes are each a rounded spot on the back of the head two v - like shaped bands and from the corner of the mouth to the eye a band ever seen. The belly is gray white and shows a darker mottling, also stains are emerging that fuse together to anal shield out also in a band. Looking at the scalation of Raver Gier Whip Snake, more exactly, then it has 21 dorsal scale rows, large supraorbital shields ( Supraocularia ), a bridle plate ( Loreale ), two Voraugenschilde ( Praeocularia ), two rear eye shields ( Postocularia ) and on the front edge of the eye a lower eye shield ( Suboculare ) on.

Snake venom

Raver Gier whip snake is associated with neither the illusion nor the snakes poisonous snakes. However, it has Duvernoysche glands that produce a toxic secretion. With one bite this passes through the saliva into the wound. Poisoning (intoxication) is usually accompanied with only partly violent local symptoms, such as swelling and pain in the bitten limb as well as discoloration. The symptoms can last for several days.

Way of life

Raver Gier whip snake is an active day snake, which can be observed especially in the morning and in the afternoon sunbathing. She holds near hiding places, which can be represented by heaps and bushes on. She is a good climber and can move very quickly, even on the floor. Your herself seeks Raver Gier whip snake primarily in flight. But when it is driven or threatened into a corner, she puts an interesting and aggressive defense behavior on the day. She flattens her head and gives a very audible hissing sounds. If you then you too close, they defended fiercely by bites. Depending on the climate of the respective habitat keeps Raver Gier Whip Snake, a two-to six-month hibernation.


Raver Gier Whip Snake captured mainly small rodents, lizards ( Lacertilia ) and small birds ( Aves ), especially young birds. Also, snails and earthworms are eaten by it. Wehrhafte prey strangled Raver Gier whip snake before devouring smaller swallows it alive. As with all snakes the prey animal is strangled down in one piece.


The mating season is weather dependent and will take place from March to May. Eggs are laid in June / July. A female raver Gier whip snake laying in the ground and hid about 5 to 18 eggs under stones. They are 28-45 mm long and 15-24 mm wide. Then takes the slip of the young snakes in September.


Raver Gier whip snake is widespread from eastern Turkey to Central Asia. They primarily inhabited drier areas such as semi-deserts and steppes, bush rich and sunny hillsides in south exposed position. Furthermore, among the stony habitats populated river valleys. Synanthropic the species is not considered, even if it is occasionally found near human settlements. In the mountains Raver Gier whip snake in Turkey. Altitudes up to about 2300 m., Central Asia up to 3300 m locate above sea level. Not much is known about the current total stock and potential hazards, population studies would be useful.

