Hemp for Victory

  • Lee D. Vickers - Narrator

Hemp for Victory is a fourteen- minute American documentary that was filmed in 1942 on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States. He should move the farmers to grow industrial hemp which was covered by an increased demand during the Second World War, the American military and the cultivation of hemp was banned since 1937.


During the Second World War, important hemp growing areas were controlled by the Japanese. The American forces took the hemp mainly for making ropes for the U.S. Navy. To meet demand, the Ministry of Agriculture launched a campaign in 1942 to reach that total of 1200 km2 hemp grown by American farmers would. As part of this campaign, the film " Hemp for Victory " was to German "Hemp for Victory", rotated.

The film shows at the beginning of a general history of cultivation of hemp and hemp products. Then it is shown using examples from Kentucky and Wisconsin, as hemp is grown, how it is processed into rope, knitting, clothing and cordage and where it is subsequently used.

In the 1980s, the film began to circulate among hemp activists.
