Henkel's Leaf-tailed Gecko

Uroplatus henkeli

Uroplatus henkeli is a species in the genus of leaf-tailed gecko ( Uroplatus ) and occurs exclusively in the primary lowland rain forests of Sambirano region in the northwest and the deciduous dry forests of western Madagascar. Through progressive deforestation, however, gradually disappears from the natural habitat of these animals. The Leaf-tailed Gecko is on the CITES (WA II) protected.

Way of life

The most of the day sitting the solitary Uroplatus henkeli upside down at a height of 70 to 130 centimeters on the trunks of small trees, bushes or bamboo plants, where they are very well camouflaged on the basis of their color. At night they climb further up where they hunt insects. Some animals were found in 5 meters in height. On the ground, the animals are to be found only for oviposition. Endangered animals can change within seconds their color and give wide- open mouth a loud Bedrängnisruf of itself.


The females of this species usually lay two eggs, and nest with four eggs have been found. About 90 days after oviposition hatch the young animals with a body length of six inches. Adult animals reach a head-body length of 12 to 16 centimeters and a total length of 25.5 centimeters.


Uroplatus henkeli has an elongated, flattened head. By lateral skin fringes along the head, body and legs, these animals are well adapted in their form color patterns of their base. The drawing is usually coarser than in females with males. Often, the back is bright with sinuous lines darker color. Also, a white color with fine black dots and black horizontal stripes on its back is possible.
