Henri Troyat

Henri Troyat; actually Lev Tarasov Aslanowitsch Levon Aslan Torossian respectively ( born November 1, 1911 in Moscow, † March 2, 2007 in Paris) was a French writer.

Life and work

Henri Troyat (as he on the advice of his first publisher with 24 named ) came from a well-off Moscow merchant family of Armenian origin. At an early age he learned thanks to a Swiss nanny French. During the October Revolution, the family first to the Crimea and later on Istanbul and Venice fled to Paris. As they settled there in 1920, the family had their possessions largely lost. His high school years completed Troyat at the Lycée Pasteur in Paris suburb of Neuilly -sur -Seine. A subsequent study of law, he finished with the first audit, the Licence. He then became an employee in the management of the department of Seine, but also ran the writing as that which he had begun as a student.

At 24, he was selling author, when he received " populiste Prix" for his first novel titled Faux Jour to. With almost 27 (1938 ) he got for his fifth novel, L' araigné (Eng. The poisonous spider ), the Prix Goncourt, the most prestigious literary prize in France. After that, he moved the genre and wrote a first biography of Dostoevsky ( 1940). This exchange between novels and biographies, he retained in the sequence. His last novel, La Traque, he wrote at the age of 94 years. Overall, he came to just over a hundred titles, often reaching requirements in the millions. Measured on the circumference of his work, he was one of the most prolific French writers of his generation.

In 2003, he was convicted and his publisher Flammarion for plagiarism to 45,000 euros in damages. Troyat had, too liberally served for his biography of Juliette Drouet, the longtime companion of Victor Hugo in 1997 published a biography of the authors Gérard and Robert Sabourin Pouchain.

In his novels is Troyat, though he never - not even travel - returned to Russia, mostly Russian history and Russian standards dar. In the German -speaking world it was known primarily for his biographies, among other things, about Dostoevsky, Pushkin ( 1946), Tolstoy (1965 ), Catherine the Great (1977 ), Peter the Great ( 1979), Chekhov (1984) and Rasputin (1996).

1959 Troyat was elected to the Académie Française, although the university literary criticism and happening intellectuals einstuften him as a rather unassuming author. He himself made ​​this Image feed by more than " a storyteller in the marketplace ," understood as trying as someone who has to convey to the reader a philosophical or political message.


Works (selection)


  • Faux jour, 1935
  • Le Vivier, 1935
  • Grandeur nature, 1936
  • La Clef de voûte, 1937
  • L' araigné, 1938 (Eng. The Poison Spider, 1950)
  • La Fosse commune, 1939
  • Judith Madrier, 1940
  • Le Jugement de Dieu, 1941
  • Le Mort le vif saisit, 1942 ( German One dead engages in the life, 1949)
  • Le Signe du taureau, 1945
  • You philanthropists à la Rouquine, 1945 (Eng. A business with Pilate, 1960)
  • Tant que la terre durera, 1947 (Eng. As long as the world lasts, 1952)
  • Le Sac et la Cendre, 1948
  • Sur la terre Étrangers, 1950 (Eng. stranger on earth, with Le Sac et la Cendre, 1953)
  • La Neige en deuil, 1952 (Eng. The Mount of Temptation, 1954)
  • Les Semailles et les Moissons, 1953 (Eng. Before the Storm, 1955)
  • Amélie, 1955 (Eng. Amelie, 1956)
  • Tendre et Violente Elizabeth, 1957 ( German Tender wild Elisabeth, 1960)
  • La Rencontre, 1958 (Eng. The meeting, 1961)
  • Les Compagnons du Coquelicot, 1959 (Eng. The brothers from the Red Poppy, 1960)
  • La Barynia, 1960 (Eng. The mistress of Kaschtanowka, 1961)
  • La Gloire of vaincus, 1961 (Eng. The fame of the vanquished, 1962)
  • Les Dames de Sibérie, 1962 (Eng. The Ladies of Siberia, 1963)
  • Une amitié extrême, 1963 ( dt A strange friendship, 1967)
  • Le gesture d'Eve, 1964 (Eng. The apple Eve, 1967)
  • Les Eygletière, 1965 (Eng. And the children built a house, 1966)
  • La Faim of Lionceaux, 1966 (Eng. In their own ways, 1967)
  • La Malandre, 1967 ( dt As chaff in the wind, 1968)
  • Les Héritiers de l' Avenir 1968 (Eng. The heirs of the Future, 1972)
  • Grimbosq, 1976 (Eng. The architect of the Tsar, 1977)
  • Le dans les nuages ​​Front, 1976 ( German Head in the Clouds, 1979)
  • Le Prisonnier n ° 1, 1978 (Eng. The Chosen, 1980)
  • La governess française, 1989 ( German Summer in St. Petersburg, 1991)
  • La Femme de David, 1990 (Eng. The Oath of the Horatii. , The life of the painter Jacques Louis David in the records of his wife, 1993)
  • Votre très humble et très obéissant serviteur, 1996 (Eng. your very humble servant. A life at the court of Catherine II, 1997)
  • L'Affaire Crémonnière, 1997 (Eng. The affair Crémonnière, 1998)


  • Les Vivants, 1946 (Eng. The survivors, 1946)
  • Sébastien, 1949


  • Pouchkine, 1946 (Eng. Pushkin, 1959)
  • Dostoievski, 1940 ( German Dostoevsky, 1964)
  • L' étrange destin de Lermontov, 1952
  • Tolstoy, 1965 ( German or Tolstoy The flight to the truth or Tolstoy. Contradiction of life, 1966)
  • Gogol, 1971
  • Catherine la Grande, 1977 (Eng. The great Catherine, 1980)
  • Pierre le Grand, 1979 ( German Peter the Great, 1981)
  • Alexandre premier, 1981
  • Ivan le Terrible, 1982 ( German Ivan the Terrible, 1987)
  • Chekhov, 1984 (English Chekhov. 's Life and work, 1987)
  • Tourgueniev, 1985
  • Gorky, 1986 (German Gorky. Petrel of the Revolution, 1987)
  • Flaubert, 1988
  • Maupassant, 1989
  • Alexandre II, 1990 ( German Tsar Alexander II, 1991)
  • Nicolas II, 1991 ( The last Tsar Nicholas II Germany, 1992)
  • Zola, 1992
  • Verlaine, 1993
  • Baudelaire, 1994
  • Balzac, 1995
  • Raspoutine, 1996 ( German Rasputin, 1998)
  • Juliette Drouet, 1997
  • Terribles Tsarines, 1998
  • Les Turbulences d'une grande famille, 1998
  • Nicolas Ier, 1999
  • Marina Tsvetaeva. L' éternelle insurgée, 2001
  • Paul Ier, le tsar times unpopular ones, 2002
  • La baronne et le musicien, Meck et Madame From Tchaïkovski, 2004
  • Alexandre le III, tsar des neiges, 2004
  • Alexandre Dumas. Le cinquième mousquetaire, 2005
  • Pasternak, 2006

Other Publications

  • Les ponts de Paris, illustré d' aquarelles, 1946
  • La case de l' Oncle Sam, 1948 ( German Uncle Sam's Cabin, 1951)
  • De gratte en -ciel cocotier, 1955 (Eng. Macumba. On the streets of the conquistadors, 1958)
  • Sainte Russie, Discussion et souvenirs, 1956
  • Le fauteuil de Claude Farrère, discours à l' Académie française, 1959
  • La vie quotidienne en Russie au temps du dernier tsar, 1959 (Eng. Thus lived the Russians at the time of the last Tsar, 1960)
  • Naissance d'une dauphine, 1960
  • Un si long chemin, 1976