Henrician Articles

The Articuli Henriciani (Polish Artykuły henry kowskie ) in 1573, were one of the basic constitutional documents of the Polish-Lithuanian Rzeczpospolita.

They were created after the election of Henry of Valois as king by the nobility, who wanted to have now secured their privileges and rights. They were mandatory for all elected kings until 1764.


The ruler undertook in them, inter alia, for the recognition of the principle of free election of the king. It was also forbidden him to introduce without the consent of the Polish Reichstag ( Sejm ) new taxes or convene the general levy. The Sejm itself should meet every two years for six weeks. Each Sejm had to choose from among the Senators 16 " residents ". Every six months alternately should advise each other on four of these in the time between the Sejmsitzungen the king. The freedom of confession was secured.

In the event of non- compliance with previous and new obligations to the nobility were given the opportunity to denounce the obey. Were complemented Articles by Adel side by the pacta conventa, the relevant actual government program of the new ruler.

