Henry Darcy

Henry Philibert Gaspard Darcy ( born June 10, 1803 in Dijon, France, † January 3, 1858 ) was a French engineer who worked on the porous media flow and for laminar flow was a linear relationship, the Darcy's law. It is of great importance in groundwater and seepage, but also applies to other liquids such as, for example, seepage of the oil in the soil.

As a hydraulic engineer, he was also involved in the hydraulic piping and flows in Freispiegelgerinnen. He is said to have also developed the Darcy -Weisbach equation together with Julius Weisbach in Freiberg, with the pressure and energy losses are described in pipes by friction. This formula Darcy did not appear to mistakenly attributed only; Instead, it is by Jean François d' Aubuisson de Voisin and Weisbach.

The unit Darcy is named after him.

As of 1856, developed by Pitot Pitot Henry Darcy has been considerably developed by mounting valves, docked a vacuum above the pipes, moved the inlet of the static tube on the side - and thus outside the turmoil of the pitot tube - and a new formula for calculating the flow rate developed. Even Darcy's development has been used primarily to measure the flowing water.

Curriculum vitae

1821 Darcy entered the Polytechnic School, then in 1823. In the famous École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées In 1828 he married an English Henriette Carey. On 31 August 1842 he was appointed a Knight of the Legion of Honour.


  • Darcy Les Fontaines de la ville de Dijon publiques, Dijon, Paris 1856