Henry de Lumley

Henry de Lumley -Wood Year ( born August 14, 1934 in Marseille ) is a French paleoanthropologist. He became internationally known after were discovered under his direction in the cave of Arago near Tautavel numerous fossils of 450,000 -year-old individuals of Homo erectus, the so-called hommes de Tautavel ("People of Tautavel "). He was also, inter alia, involved in exploring the petroglyphs in the Vallée des Merveilles and the Grotte du military hospital in Nice. He is President of the Centre Européen de Recherches Préhistoriques in Tautavel.

Life and work

Henry de Lumley studied natural sciences in Marseille -Saint Charles and then Archaeology in Paris, where he in 1965 received his doctorate in natural sciences. Then he went back to Marseille to an institution of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique; In 1977 he was appointed there as one of the directeurs de recherche. As of 1980, Henry de Lumley Head of the Laboratoire de préhistoire Muséum national d' histoire at naturelle and from 1994 until his retirement in 1999, also director of the museum. At times, he also launched a working group for Quaternary Paleontology at the Université de Provence. In addition to the excavations in Tautavel he conducted research in Italy, Spain ( Abric Romani in Catalonia ), Greece, India, Indonesia, Brazil and Ethiopia ( region Fejej, province of South Omo ).

Since 1999, de Lumley is a member of the Section des Sciences de l' univers in the Academy of Sciences and member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres of the Institut de France. Excellent he also was with the titles of Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour, Commandeur de l' Ordre national du Mérite and Chevalier des Arts et Lettres.

Marie- Antoinette de Lumley, wife of Henry de Lumley, is a physicist and anthropologist involved in the study of the hominin finds from Dmanisi.
