Henry Porter (Journalist)

Henry Porter ( born 1953 ) is an English writer and journalist.

Porter, comments and reports for the British Guardian newspaper, The Observer, the Evening Standard and The Sunday Telegraph writes regular, is a correspondent for the American magazine Vanity Fair. He lives with his wife in London.

Porter wrote some years entertainment literature, which plays in the security establishment. His debut novel, the thriller On the eleventh day, the eleventh hour, both in the UK and in the USA was a bestseller. His works have been translated into numerous languages.


  • 2005 Ian Fleming Steel Dagger for the Best Thriller of the British Crime Writers Association of Brandenburg (German: Brandenburg Ullsteinhaus, Berlin, 2006. )

Works on German

  • On the eleventh day, the eleventh hour (novel), Munich: Blessing, 2000, ISBN 3-89667-106-5
  • The English Spy (novel), München: Goldmann, 2003, ISBN 3-442-35772-1
  • Empire State (novel), Berlin: Ullstein, 2005, ISBN 3-548-26251-1
  • Brandenburg (novel), Berlin: Ullstein, 2006, ISBN 3-548-26400- X
  • Master of the 13 chairs (youth novel), Loewe Verlag, 2008, ISBN 978-3785563625