Heptatonic scale

In the heptatonic (Greek " Siebentönigkeit " ) are formed within an octave as the scale of eight tones, of which, however, are counted as genuine different because of the same pitch class of the first and last sound only seven scales. All used in Western tonal music diatonic scales such as the major and minor scales are heptatonically. More heptatonic scales, which are often not diatonic, are mainly found in non-European music traditions.

There are several methods to construct a heptatonic scale. In the derivations outlined below interval designations are to be understood as fifth or octave, first in the sense of absolute audible proportions, the physical frequency ratios correspond, for example, 3:2 or 2:1. In the traditional European heptatonic systems thus constructed pitches also get the balance to the tone that corresponds to the interval Latin name, for example, the proportion between the root and fifth degrees always the aural impression of a fifth. Depending on the type of construction (mood ) does exactly this, for example, a perfect fifth (3:2), or even just an approximation.

  • A proven already in antiquity possibility arises from the oktaversetzten sorting of seven fifths, wherein the clay d as a center of naturals starting point is: f - c - g - d - a - e - h → d - e ^ f - g - a - h ^ c ( - d) The resulting tone row consists of whole tones with the proportion 8:9 and semitones ( by "^ " is displayed ) with the proportion 243:256 and is therefore in Pythagorean tuning.
  • A system in a pure atmosphere is created by the so-called Konsonanzprinzip: Through harmonious division of the octave into fifth and fourth, the fifth in major and minor third and finally, in whole tone and semitone wins a corresponding overtones of the harmonic series scale.
  • The equal temperament provided can be a diatonic scale by selecting from the chromatic melody form.
  • A further possibility to establish heptatonic tone scale, is the formation of tetrachords. This four-note scale portions have two fixed frame tones that form a fourth, and two movable depending on the scale type Fülltöne. In the Greek sound system the two tetrachords separated by a whole tone or connected by a common sound. Almost all siebentönigen scales ( major, minor, church modes, Hungarian scales, blue scale) are composed of two superimposed asked tetrachords. The lowest note of the first forms at the topmost of the second tone one octave as a frame. Taking small, large and augmented seconds as a starting point, develop the following ( melodic ) models: ( The red-colored notes characterize Leittonfunktionen )

All heptatonic scales that are composed of full and half tones, called diatonic. Depending on the context of the whole and half tones creates different Tongeschlechter. Will you can start a heptatonic scale on each of the naturals, you need a total of twelve semitones, ie every seven diatonic order is integrated in the chromatic - enharmonic Twelve order.

The scales of heptatonic

  • The major scale
  • The various minor scales ( natural minor, harmonic minor, melodic minor )
  • The church scales ( Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Locrian, and so on )
  • The Phrygian dominant scale
  • The gypsy scales
  • The Harmonic Major Scale
  • The Mi- Sheberach scale
  • The altered scale
  • The enigmatic manager
  • The early Greek Aulos modes
  • The ragas of Indian music
  • The twelve Lu of Chinese music
  • Slendro and Pelog the gamelan at the Indonesian islands of Java and Bali
  • The Shepard - scale

Other scales

  • The blues scale (see also Blue Notes )