Herbert Schmidt

Herbert Schmidt ( * January 28, 1914, † 18 September 2002) was a German rower who won an Olympic bronze medal in 1936 with the eighth.

Fie, Loeckle, Hannemann and Schmidt had at the German Championship 1936 second place in the four occupied next to the title in the aft without coxswain, 1937 reached the four rowers third place. Schmidt later moved to Berlin Rowing Club. In 1942, the coxless four of Berlin's RC German in the cast Gerd Fie, Walter Volle, Hans Kuschke and Herbert Schmidt champion. 1943 Schmidt won again the German championship in eighth.

1948 Herbert Schmidt first chief editor of the East Berlin daily newspaper Deutsches Sport Echo. As West Berlin but was soon dismissed. Schmidt then built at the Sender Freies Berlin to the sports department.
