Hermann Einstein

Hermann Einstein ( born August 30, 1847 in Buchau, Kingdom of Württemberg; † 10 October 1902 in Milan ) was a German pioneer of electrical engineering and medium entrepreneurs in Munich with 300 employees. He came from a Jewish family and was especially famous as the father of Albert Einstein.

Hermann Einstein was boss and along with his brother, Jacob Einstein, co-owner of Electrical Factory J. Einstein & Cie, a factory for electrical equipment and to generate direct current and to its use for the then new electric lighting of streets, public houses had specialized beer tents. The factory of Einstein's was in the Lindwurmstraße Ranked # 127 in Munich, the building was destroyed in World War II, today there is a building of the Munich Community College.

The Einstein electrified the Oktoberfest and the streets in Schwabing, which led to the Salvator brewery. Your bulbs they purchased from AEG. Her customers included, among others, the brewery Pschorr and the Klinikum rechts der Isar. As more competitors such as Siemens & Halske and AEG, had specialized in AC, got market share, shifted the Einsteins who still sat on DC, their business in 1895 to Italy. Two years later, they were forced out of business.

Einstein is buried in the mausoleum Mausoleum Civico Palanti, lying on the Monumental Cemetery in Milan.
