Hermann Schoemann

Hermann Friedrich Wolfgang Nestor Schoeman ( born April 17, 1881 in Putbus auf Rügen; † 1 May 1915 North Hinder lightship ) was a German naval officer, most recently Lieutenant in the First World War. On July 16, 1936, the destroyer Z was named after him 7.


Hermann Schoeman was the second of five children of the same high school teacher who had worked as a professor at the Royal Pädagogium in Putbus, and Elizabeth Schoeman. In 1899, he joined the Imperial Navy, where he was in 1910 appointed commander of a large turbine torpedo boat. In the spring of 1915 Schoeman first chief of the newly founded Torpedobootsflottille Flanders was. He fell on May 1, 1915 A 2, after intercepting an enemy Vorpostenflottille, as surprisingly emerged four major British destroyer. In the unequal battle boats A 2 and A 6 were sunk.
