
Hernandia nymphaeifolia

The Hernandiaceae, also called egg fruit tree plants, are a plant family of the order of the laurel -like.

  • 3.1 Hernandioideae
  • 3.2 Gyrocarpoideae
  • 4.1 Notes and references
  • 4.2 External links


There are shrubs, trees or lianas. The nodes are unilakunär with three to nine leaf-trace strands.

The leaves are entire, 3- lobed or 3 - 5x 5x divided and in some species also shield-shaped. Stipules absent. The vascular bundles in the petiole are horizontal ( subgen at Hernandia. Valvanthera ) or vertically elliptical.

Flowers and Fruit

The perianth is simple and consists of three to ten tepals. The androecium consists of three to five ( seven) stamens. The anthers have two pollen sacs are so disporangiat, and open with two flaps. They share these two features with the Lauraceae. Nectaries may be present and are located outside the Androeceums.

The gynoecium is inferior and consists of a carpel with one ovule. The scar is shield-shaped ( Peltatum ). The placentation is apically. The ovules are bitegmisch: the outer integument is nine to 23 cell layers thick, the inner three to eight cells.

The fruit is a Samara ( wingnut ) at Gyrocarpus: a dry, one-seeded indehiscent fruit with wings. In the remaining genera drupes are formed, which have emerged in Hernandia surrounded by a bulbous inflated pericarp (hence the name eggplant tree). The fruits of Illigera are winged. The seeds of all species have no endosperm.


The family is pantropical spread. The subfamily Hernandioideae has its main range in the Indo - Malayan region and Madagascar, the Gyrocarpoideae in tropical America, both of which are, however, widespread pantropical.


The Hernandiaceae are probably within the Laurales the sister group of the laurel family. The family, as well as the two subfamilies are monophyletic. The family includes five genera on the current state with about 62 species.


In the leaf epidermis sit glandular hairs. The inflorescence is a Thyrse. The ovule is hanging and anatrop. The flaps of the pollen sacs are attached to the side, only at Hazomalania it is attached above. The pollen grains have a diameter from 90 to 160 micrometers. The seed coat ( testa) has vascular bundles, unthickened cell walls, is spongy and tannin sustainable

The subfamily includes three genera with about 45 species.

  • Hazomalania ( Jum. ) Capuron, with only one species to Madagascar: Hazomalania voyronii ( Jum. ) Capuron


The leaves have cystoliths. The inflorescence is a dichasium and has no bracts. The flowers are very small. The placentation is marginal. The flaps of the pollen sacs are mounted on the upper side ( apical). The pollen grains have a diameter of 19-45 micrometers. The cells of the inner layer of the seed coat ( endotesta ) are extended radially and have helical thickening of the cell wall.

The Gyrocarpoideae were partly managed as a separate family. It comprises two genera with about 17 species:

  • . Gyrocarpus Jacq, with about five species, including: American centrifugal fruit tree ( Gyrocarpus americanus Jacq. )

Sources and further information

  • Klaus Kubitzki: Journal of Hernandiaceen. In: Botanical yearbooks. 89, 1969, pp. 78-209.
  • David John Mabberley: The Plant-Book. A portable dictionary of the higher plants. Cambridge University Press 1987. ISBN 0-521-34060-8
  • Otto Warburg: The flora. Volume 2, pages 54-55, 1923. Bibliographic Institute Leipzig.

The article is based primarily on the following links:

  • Hernandiaceae on the APWebsite (English )
  • Hernandioideae in L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz (1992 onwards ), The families of flowering plants
  • Gyrocarpoideae in L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz (1992 onwards ), The families of flowering plants