Hero shrew

Armored shrew ( Scutisorex somereni )

The armored shrew ( Scutisorex somereni ), also called plate shrew is a mammal of the family of shrews ( Soricidae ). It differs by the special structure of the spine from all other mammals.


With a body length 12-15 inches and a seven to ten centimeters long tail and weighing up to 110 grams of the armored shrew is one of the largest shrew species. Her thick, coarse fur is gray. However, noteworthy is the lumbar spine, where the vertebrae not only, as in most vertebrates, connected by lateral extensions but also by dorsal ( towards the back, lying ) and ventral ( ventral -directed) processes. This leads on the one hand, that her back is extremely mobile, which gives them advantages in locomotion. Studies have shown that they manage in a tube that is barely larger than the animal itself, turning around. Second, the anatomical feature causes a large capacity, so there are reports that an 80 pound person can put on the animal barefoot without this damage it carries.


Panzer shrews inhabit marshy, water-rich forest areas in the north of the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Uganda and Rwanda.

Way of life

Apart from their anatomy the tanks shrews are poorly understood. You should have no fixed periods of activity and its diurnal as well as nocturnal. With the pungent -smelling secretions from scent glands they mark their territory. Look under leaves, rotting wood and stones at their diet, consisting of insects, caterpillars, earthworms, and carrion. About her procreation is as good as nothing is known.


Due to the extreme resilience of these animals they are attributed magical powers in the Congo region, which is also reflected in the English word "Hero shrew". According to a superstition it is enough to wear a coat or any body part of the armored shrew with him to be invulnerable. About frequency or level of danger of these animals there is no information.
