Hershkovitz's titi

The Hershkovitz Titi ( Callicebus dubius ) is a primate of the species of titi monkeys within the family of Sakiaffen ( Pitheciidae ). It is named after its describer, the biologist Phillip Hershkovitz, named and closely related to the Red titi monkeys, with which it is sometimes combined to form a kind.


Hershkovitz - titi monkeys are like all titi monkeys relatively small primate with thick fur and long, adapted to the jumping locomotion hind legs. Their fur is gray brown on the back and on the outside of the limbs, the abdomen, the inside of the limbs and the lower arms and legs are reddish, fingers and toes white. The tail is longer than the body and bushy, it is gray on the tail and blackish in the rear part and ends in a white tassel. The head is small and rounded, its upper surface is colored like the back gray. Along the front extends a white horizontal stripes, including running a thin black band that connects the ears together. The bushy jaws and throat hair is reddish in color.

Distribution and habitat

The distribution of Hershkovitz - titi monkeys is not known exactly. It is located in the southwestern Amazon basin in Brazil and possibly also in Peru and northern Bolivia and extends approximately from the Rio Purus to the Río Madre de Dios. Their habitat is forests.

Way of life

About the lifestyle of Hershkovitz - titi monkeys is not known, probably agrees with that of the other titi monkeys match. Consequently, they are diurnal and arboreal, living in monogamous family groups and mainly feed on fruits.


Hershkovitz - titi monkeys inhabit a remote, sparsely populated area and therefore does not include IUCN endangered species.
