
Herse is a Norse titles of nobility. The etymological derivation of the word is uncertain. Presumably, it is related to the Germanic word * harisja together and had the meaning of a commander of an army division, similar to the Duke. Another derivation is based on the Herad ( Gau, landscape ) and comes to the fact that the Herse was a tribal leader, who headed the Heradsthing and Heradsopferstätte and thus legislation, jurisdiction and functions exercised priest.

The word can be used only in Old Icelandic sources, both in the eddischen seal as well as in the sagas, Snorri Sturluson where it uses in his Heimskringla. It says Harald Hårfagre:

Harald Hårfagre then mediated the originally free Hersen and built into a hierarchy, but it did not last.
