Herzberg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

53.52916666666711.92944444444469Koordinaten: 53 ° 31 ' 45 "N, 11 ° 55' 46" E

Location of Herzberg in Mecklenburg- Vorpommern

Herzberg is a municipality in the district of Upper Warnow Ludwigslust - Parchim in Mecklenburg -Vorpommern ( Germany ). Until the end of 2011 Herzberg was an independent municipality with the districts Herzberg, Lenschow and Woeten.

Origin of the name

The basic word " mountain " refers to a time of origin in the high medieval expansion period 1200-1350. The local part of the name "Heart" could have come from deer, as was the stem vowel -i -to -e- weakened in the 12th century.

Geography and transport

The village is located about 15 kilometers north of Parchim. Larger parts of the district, such as the peat bog Bahlenholz, are flat and swampy. The largest river is the armed canal, which flows at Woeten in the Warnow. The highest elevation is likely the mill mountain west of Herzberg 82.8 m above sea level. Be NHN. By Herzberg the country road leading 16


  • Manor house of the family of Malt tooth (early 19th century) in Herzberg
  • Manor park in Herzberg and Lenschow
  • Village church in Herzberg
  • Historical oven in Woeten
  • Village ensemble in Woeten

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Friedrich von Malt tooth ( Lenschow ) ( 1807-1888 ), landowner and politician
  • Steffen Bloch Witz ( born 1967), cyclist

Associated with the location personalities

  • Helmold of Plesse († 1186 ), putative founder of the village church