
Hesder (Hebrew: arrangement; Jeschivat Hesder יְשִׁיבַת הֶסְדֵּר ) is a form of study in Israel is aimed at students of the Talmud and the Torah. It makes it possible to continue simultaneously with the performance of military service in the Israeli army university studies at the Talmudic college.

Especially followers of the religious Zionism participate in this program. The Hesder service lasts five years, the duration of service for regular male recruits is against it for three years. There are several Talmudic academies that offer the Hesder program.

The Hesder program began in the 1950s, each year about 1,200 recruits begin the Hesder - military service. This form is not without controversy within the armed forces, in the past, the setting was repeatedly considered.
