
The Hessentag is an annual celebration of the German state of Hesse to represent different regions of Hesse. Within a week of events, the country presents visitors with a focus on cultural representations and exhibitions. The Hessentag is the oldest and largest national festival in Germany.


The Hessen days were launched in 1961 by the then prime minister of Hesse - Georg August Zinn to life. The aim of the event was first to bring together long-time residents and immigrants and the many refugees and displaced persons to gain a feel for their new home. But Hesse himself had a pent-up demand in terms of feeling of togetherness, but only in 1945 the country was created by decision of the victorious powers of World War II from areas that had 400 years more or little to do with each other and put separate developments. Georg August Zinn to integrate the various German country teams in Hesse and the Hesse understood. True to the motto tin: " Hesse, who wants to be Hesse ".

The focus was the presentation of the customs, especially the wide variety of costumes available in Hesse, as well as the costumes of the new citizens who have come after 1945 Hesse. Since 1971, a Hessentagsarena each pair is chosen, representing the Hessentag.

Hessian today

Since the dawn of Hessentag has undergone many changes. Today, the Hessentag culture, traditions and modern lifestyle connects. Concerts by international pop groups are now just as natural program of events such as the National Exhibition. The National Exhibition is housed in mobile exhibition halls, where you will find stands of the state government, the parliament, the parliamentary groups, various state agencies and organizations, associations and clubs. Regions are also mostly from tourist point of view, before.

Every year, regularly more than a million visitors to the Hessentag - not only from Hesse. When Hessentag in Baunatal in 1999 more than one million visitors were first counted leader is far Kassel with 1,830,000 visitors at the Hessentag 2013. More Hesse days with more than one million visitors were Dietz Bach ( 2001), Butzbach (2007), Langenselbold ( 2009), Stadtallendorf (2010) and Oberursel ( 2011). For financial reasons, the city Alsfeld returned the orientation of Hesse 50th day of 2010. He was, therefore, at Stadtallendorf. The Hessentag 2012 took place in Wetzlar.

The Hessentag 2013 was originally supposed to take place in Vellmar. The financial situation of the city meant that Vellmar had to cancel the Hessentag. As an alternative Kassel was selected, which also celebrated its 1,100 th anniversary in addition to the Hessentag.


Scheduled Venues
