Hesychius of Jerusalem

Hesychius (Latin Hesychius ) the priest, and Hesychius of Jerusalem ( † 450 ) was a saint (Catholic and Orthodox), priest, monk and exegete in Jerusalem.

Of his life little is known. For about 412 he served as priest in Jerusalem. However, although many of his writings were lost, he will (eg to the books of Job, Leviticus, Isaiah and Ezekiel ) particularly appreciated in the Orthodox Church because of his commentaries on the Bible. It is alleged that he had commented on the whole Bible. He is considered the main boom and teachers of the Bible of his time in the church of Jerusalem and Palestine. His commentary on the Psalms has been attributed to long time Athanasius of Antioch. Recent research always identified more texts in Greek and Latin texts transmissions. From Hesychius derives a church history from the year 428 it was added to the Acts of the Council of Constantinople Opel (553). Hesychius played an important role in the controversy over the nature of Christ. He placed himself in opposition to Arius, who denied the divinity of Christ. To avoid heresies, he avoided in this context, all names from the philosophical vocabulary (person, being, substance), leaving only the biblical term " Word made flesh " ( lógos sarkotheís ) to. His ( then known ) works were published in 1866 in Patrologia Graeca Mignes (vol. 27, 55 and 93).
