High-speed photography

Under high-speed photography is the process of creating photographs, which have an extremely short exposure time of less than about 1/5.000 s.


The short exposure time is usually not on mechanical fasteners ( as usual ), but regulated by the light duration of electronic flash units. The recording is then performed in a darkened room. Even with standard flash units can be at reduced power exposure times of about 1/50.000 s and achieve shorter. Although modern electromechanical slot fasteners penetrate partly in this time period before, but quickly moving objects by the relatively slow movement of the slot, whereby the so-called rolling shutter effect arises distorted imaged. When footage is important to note that due to the short -term effect (similar to the Schwarzschild effect) requires more light than the speed / aperture combination suggests. Digital image sensor must be able to handle such short pulses.

Due to the development in the camera and locking technology have the potential to include fast-moving subjects and their movement with commercially available cameras, greatly improved. Shutter speeds from 1/4000 second are customary in today's SLRs.

For effects in movies and scientific purposes the Frozen Reality is applied at the same time shots are taken from multiple view directions ( assembled) a tracking shot around an "event " such as a bursting balloon allow.
