High tech

The terms high technology, high technology (or " high technology " of Engl. Use of high technology ) and high [ ˌ haɪ̯tɛk ] denote technique that corresponds to the current state of technology.

Because of the high technology sector of the economy uses the latest technology, he is often regarded as a special growth factor. This perception has led to very high levels of investment in this sector, however, led in the 1990s to an overestimation of individual technology companies in the financial markets and later to a crisis. New companies in the high technology sector often receive large amounts of venture capital. This has led investors already in huge losses. However, just as there is the possibility of very high profits.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ( ISI) and the Lower Saxony Institute for Economic Research (NAV ) define high-technology goods as an innovation potential of more than 3.5 % of the value. As examples of cars, machines, electrical equipment and chemicals are called.

Within the high technology between high-quality technology (3.5 to 8% R & D intensity, ie the proportion of expenditure on research and development of sales ) and cutting-edge technology is distinguished ( R & D intensity > 8.5 %).

For so-called " high technology " (actually " technology " ) include:

  • The Biotechnology
  • Computer technology (see, software, hardware)
  • Nanotechnology

For purposes of official statistics, Eurostat has defined the cutting edge technology of the related industries.

The development of innovations in the field of cutting-edge technology makes new demands on the innovation management, value Most young companies in this industry have typically present only scarce resources, such as and cash equivalents, are under time pressure to succeed and are equipped with very specialized know -how. Therefore, lead user approaches and open innovation methods, specifically on this increasingly important to secure the innovation success. As products of high technology continue to have relatively short product life cycles and bind high development costs, it is the primary task is to identify promising trends and to bring solutions to market quickly and reliably.
