Hindu temple

A Hindu temple ( Sanskrit: मंदिर, mandira ) is a religious building of the followers of Hinduism. It is usually reserved for religious and spiritual activities.

In Hinduism, the temple ( Mandir ) represents the cosmos as such. In the temple, " touch" the world of the gods and the world of men is. However, in contrast to the House rites of temple attendance is not mandatory. There are devout Hindus, who seldom or never go into a temple.

In the temples priests serve different rank. In the great shrines one leaves the technical activities of the assistant chief priest - people often low prestige. Bathing and fire ceremonies are performed by Veda - qualified priests. Other priests are dedicated to the recitation, other (not necessarily Brahmanical ) helpers are responsible for the anointing of an image.

Even in fast-growing big cities traders and land owners have always founded temples and favored poets, dancers and Sanskrit scholar. The pins of temples is one of the religiously meritorious acts. In addition to the huge temple complexes and pilgrim centers such as Tirumala Tirupati there are thousands of very simple village temples where less educated village Brahmins perform their service. Access to the temples for untouchables ( untouchables ) has improved in modern India.

The temple tower - as North Indian shikhara or as South Indian Vimana - represents the image of the mythical world mountain Meru the center of the universe dar. In the temple tower is the most sacred area of the temple, the Garbhagriha ( literally, " womb house" ) which has a cavernous unlit interior forms. In the ritual, the deity is present; the heart of every priestly activity is the Puja. A sermon as in Christianity plays no role in Hindu temple ritual; this there are religious lectures, but which take place outside the temple.


The largest Hindu temple in London, the Neasden Temple is built in the North Indian style, while the second largest, the Sri Kamadchi - Ampal temple in Hamm, is built in South Indian style.
