Hinduism in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, Hindus living persons are estimated to be 250,000, of which many refugees and asylum seekers without Dutch citizenship.

The Hindurat specifies a number of 215,000 people.

Approximately 95,000 Hindus have the Dutch nationality. These citizens come to about 85 percent of Suriname and about 10 percent of India. A smaller group comes from Uganda.

According to the 1971 census, 80 percent of the 110,000 immigrants from Suriname were with citizenship Hindus, ie 88,000.

The Hindus of the Netherlands have their own TV and radio stations that Organisatie Hindoe Media.


The Hindus from Suriname are divided into two main faiths, namely Sanatan Dharam and in Vaidik Dharma ( Arya Samaj ). There are also smaller groups like Kabirpantha, Gayatri Parivâ.

According Hindurat belong to about 80% of Hindus from Suriname Sanatan Dharam the direction, of which 65 % of the sub- direction Djanamvadisch and 35% of the direction Karamvadisch, whereas 20% of the Arya Samaj direction.

A smaller number of Hindus is associated with new religious movements like ISKCON, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, etc.

