Hip (slang)

Hip is an adjective, originally arising in the African-American vernacular of the U.S. term is entered into any international usage since about the 1960s.

Outside the U.S., he is considered a term of youth language.

Word Meaning

The significance of the property name " hip" is complex and was subject to some changes and nuances over time. "Hip " is now " hip " predominantly in about meanings of, chic, contemporary, "trendy" used.

Older meaning qualities with positive an appraisal content in the sense of " sophisticated ", " worldly-wise ", " progressive", " witty ", " sophisticated ", " tasteful " and " pleasant " and others are less common, but the undertone of the current use of language often included to some extent. To that extent, "hip " in shades assume similar meanings to the youth also mainly linguistic terms " cool" or more recently " cool".

Sometimes there are all of these terms in almost simultaneous use and therefore subject to increasing leveling of originally existing semantic differences, which thus partially only the particular context of meaning or the tone of a statement can be removed.

Incidentally, the word "hip " with the English word for " hip " Although aussprachlich similar to sometimes identical, thus has nothing to do in its semantic content, since it is derived from a concept of African-American vernacular, the and in writing debate first emerged as " hep ". In case of late spelling as "hip " varies pronunciation especially in American English remains between the two forms.

Origin and significance History

The term " hep " has emerged as a forerunner of the variant "hip " in the 1920s in the United States in circles of Afro- American jazz scene. He served as a multi-layered description of certain lifestyles and preferences, attitudes, and the first connection to the African- American jazz and jazz in particular for specific rhythm of swing. Who told these settings was designated (often written as one word as " Hepcat " ) or simply as "Cat" as " Hep Cat". The word "Cat" is also understood today especially among jazz musicians even in this sense, in other circles, however, primarily in the meaning of " (any ) person " as a kind of alternative to the English word " Guy " = " type". The antonym of "hip " was with "square " means, " bitchy ", " restricted " as much as " stuffy " that also " awkward " means and time was often used as a noun as a general term for a member of the white American population layer.

In the 1950s, from " hep " to become "hip " shaped concept had found its way into the parlance as a part of the white American youth, who endeavored in a strongly conservative climate of society, to find more advanced postures. In the course of these intentions, which included in particular to overcome the still deeply established racial segregation, was an intellectual movement, whose followers began to call themselves " hipsters " or " beatnik " and imitate their black peers in many ways tried.

One of the main voices of this movement, the author Norman Mailer, formulated in 1957, the substantive interpretation of terms " hip" and "square" in an essay as opposites in attitudes and outlooks on life as follows:

"Hip - Square / wild - practical / romantic - classic / instinct - logic / Negro - white / inductive - programmatic / the relation - the name / spontaneous - orderly / perverse - pious / midnight - noon / nihilistic - authoritarian / associative - sequential / a question - an answer / obeying the shape of the curve - in the living cell of the square / self - society / crooks - cops / free will - determinism ".

The derived from hipster word hippie was as contemptuous, mocking trivialized name - partly used by disgruntled U.S. citizens, most of whom belonged to the conservative, white society layer and the opposition attitudes of the hipster movement faced hostile, part of the " hipsters " and " beatniks " itself, which thought of themselves as a kind of intellectual elite and the expression as a condescending term used for imitators in the sense of" used wannabe hipster ".

From the Hipster and Beatnik currents, a new youth movement developed in contrast to their relatively diffuse political attitudes clearer political statements that were particularly affected by ever more decisive oppositional attitudes of American youth to the Vietnam War. This new movement made the term " hippie " to own and took place in the mid-1960s, in particular, of San Francisco from very fast international spread. In Western Europe had the hippie movement of the U.S. west coast strong inspiratory influence and was a cause of the cultural revolution of the '68 movement.
