
Hira ʾ (Arabic حراء, DMG Hira ʾ or حرا / HIRA ) is a mountain three miles north-east of Mecca Arabic, which is why an important significance in Islam, because here the Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation after the Arab tradition. The mountain is therefore also called Jabal an-Nur ( " Mountain of Light "). The event is set to the beginning of Sura 96 in conjunction. Ibn Hisham narrated that Muhammad had issued before the first revelation every year for a month to stop ( dschiwār ) in the vicinity of Mount Hira ʾ, and explains that this part of the Tahannuth ( تحنث / taḥannuṯ ) was the Quraysh.

The Tahannuth was a pious exercise, which is said to have introduced Muhammad's grandfather ʿ Abd al - Muttalib ibn Hashim in Mecca. She was the worship of the Sanctuaries of Mecca, was completed in the summer, and was in addition to the multi-week retreat on Mount Hira ʾ from the gift of charity. Other persons in pre-Islamic Mecca, is betrayed by those that they have completed the Tahannuth were Khalid ibn al - Harith from the tribe Kinana, Hakim ibn Hizam and Hanif Zayd ibn ʿ Amr. Ibn Hisham even provides an explicit connection between the exercise and the Hanifentum ago by declaring that taḥannuṯ the same was as taḥannuf ( Hanifentum ) because the Arabs would pronounce the letter ف / fā ʾ ʾ like tha / ث / tá ʾ. Kister believed that the Islamic voluntary fasting in the month of Rajab and Sha'ban, which was before the Islamic calendar reform in summer, in Tahannuth ritual has its origins.

Those who completed the Tahannuth, selected for different places of the mountain Hira ʾ. Mohammed himself is said to have retired at the top of this mountain before his first revelation in a cave. She is worshiped to this day as " Hira Cave ʾ " ( غار حراء / GAR al - Hira ʾ ). Aisha on the other hand chose at a later occasion a location between the mountain and the mountain Hira ʾ Thabīr for a two-month retreat phase.

According to the tradition of Ibn Hisham Muhammad went around the year 620 after his return from Taif one more time to Mount Hira, to assure the necessary support of the people of Mecca.

