His Royal Slyness

  • Harold Lloyd: young Americans
  • Gaylord Lloyd: Prince of Razzamatazz
  • Mildred Davis: Princess Florelle of Thermosa
  • Snub Pollard: Prince of Roquefort
  • Young Noah: Bodyguard of the Prince Razz.
  • Gus Leonard: King Louis XIVIIX. of Thermosa

His Royal Slyness is an American slapstick movie from the year 1920. The film bears the German title of The false prince.


The Prince of Razzamatazz leads a loose bachelor life in the United States until he receives a telegram from the king, who ordered him to the neighboring country Thermosa where the Princess of Thermosa between the Prince of Roquefort and select him as their future spouses should. I like not the prince and his mistress.

A brash Books Representatives ( Harold Lloyd) appears to the Prince. He looks very similar to the surprise of all the prince ( the prince is represented by Gaylord Lloyd, the brother of Harold Lloyd). The prince offers to the young American, as " Prince" to drive for him to Thermosa and there marry a real princess to.

Shortly after the false prince is departed, notes the real prince that now probably no more money will flow from Razzamatazz, a small apartment is to take and the mistress should prepare for the future housework. Then he gets kicked out of the beloved.

In Thermosa the Princess does not like the fact that the Prince of Roquefort is always drunk. Gradually against the baseless and wasteful driving at court rebelled the impoverished nation.

While the Princess of Thermosa bored incognito in the city, it helps the young American has just arrived - without the two of them have ever known. When the false prince sees the bustle of the court, he would like to go back again. He also has great difficulties with the protocol-related practices. Then the false prince sees the supposed street girl again as a princess and both young people are very pleased. The princess chooses the supposed Prince of Razzamatazz as a future husband.

Meanwhile, the real prince, who had given his lover jilted, arrived in Thermosa. He can just run away from the revolution movement in the palace. There he reveals himself to be the right prince and the young Americans is thrown out of the palace. The Americans accidentally ignited the cannon of the insurgents. The rebels occupy the palace. The American is proclaimed president of the Republic Thermosa. And the princess? They would also like to marry a president.
