Hispania ulterior

Hispania ulterior ("the more distant Hispania " ) or otherworldly Spain and Hispania Citerior ("the closer Hispania " ) are the two provinces in which the Iberian peninsula was divided in 197 BC by the Romans. The ulterior covered the south and west, the Citerior the east and northeast. The Northwest including Northern Portugal was incorporated later after his conquest of Hispania in the Citerior. Provincial governor was a Propraetor.

The boundary between Citerior and ulterior formed in the north of the lower reaches of the Douro from its mouth to the area west of Zamora; there she turned to the southeast. Today's Salamanca still belonged to the ulterior, Zamora, Segovia and Toledo belonged to Citerior. On the Mediterranean coast, the border southwest of Carthago Nova (Cartagena) in the Republican period.

Emperor Augustus divided the Hispania ulterior on in the provinces of Lusitania and Baetica. For more history, see Lusitania and Baetica.

Among the cities of Hispania ulterior belonged Corduba (Córdoba ), Munda (now Monda in the province of Málaga), Gades (Cádiz ) and Olisipo ( Lisbon).
