
The Hispanics are an ethnic group in America, which includes all residents with Hispanic American or Spanish origin. The term was coined in the 1970s by the Government of the United States. Due to the mixing of different ethnic groups of the United States during the last 400 years, the term has no selectivity, mainly belonging to the Hispanics is based on a self-assessment every ten years in a Census, a kind of written census questionnaires, indicating the U.S. citizens.


Belonging to a so-called " race" after the appearance plays no role for this assessment: A Hispanic anyone can " breed " who lives in the United States belong - so he can "black" or "white" to be. Non - Hispanic whites (ie, for example, English, German, Sweden, Albanians, etc.) are referred to in distinction to either Hispanics than Caucasians (English Caucasian ) or simply as " Anglos ".

In 1950, four million Hispanics in the United States. From nine million (1970 ), their number rose to about 15 million (1980) and by 2003 to about 45 million (approximately 13.4% of the total U.S. population ). Due to this strong growth is due to large immigration flows and high birth rates. The Hispanics are the fastest growing and youngest population in age group of the United States. According to estimates, nearly 25 % of the U.S. population will be Hispanic in 2050.

The term "Latino " is often used interchangeably with that of Hispanics, but in fact, the terms are not synonymous. In the scientific sense, Latino denotes only the Hispanics who are immigrants from Central and South America, but non-Spanish European immigrants and their descendants. These are therefore Hispanics, but no Latinos. Conversely, in the U.S. Brazilian immigrant Although Latinos, but no Hispanics.

Most, but not all Hispanics have Spanish surnames. Immigrants from Latin America may themselves be non-Spanish ( but eg Italian, German, Arabic or Irish ) origin. Even former Gov. Bill Richardson and the football star Jim Plunkett are Hispanics. On the other hand, a Spanish surname is indeed usually, but not necessarily an indication of affiliation with the group of Hispanics: also immigrants from the Philippines or Guam often carry Spanish surnames without being Hispanics.

Hispanics now live in greater numbers, especially in the U.S. states of South and Southwest, especially California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Florida (particularly Cubans ), Colorado, Nevada, but also in New York (especially Puerto Ricans ).

A large proportion of Hispanics speak Spanish better than English, especially if the family only this generation or immigrated few generations ago in the United States is. Often these are not " pure " Spanish ( Castellano ), but a provided with many anglicisms Spanish. Examples: ". El está play full" "! Quédate cool" (! Remain calm ) or ( The stadium is full. )


Within the group of Hispanics, there are certain sub-groups:

  • The Dominicans (also called " Dominicanos "), and which, if they live for themselves in the U.S., " dominica york ' call,
  • Cubans (also called " Cubanos "), and for the most part have the status of refugees,
  • The Mexican Americans form the largest group. They are (especially in New Mexico) or "Spanish Americans" also called " Mexicanos ," " Chicanos ," " Mexican Americans ", or " Hispanic ". The latter designation is common when it comes to Hispanics who did not immigrate, but already in 1848, as a result of the Mexican-American War, parts of Mexico were annexed by the United States, had lived in these areas.
  • Puerto Ricans (also called " Boricua " ), who live primarily in New York; they have the status of U.S. citizens because Puerto Rico is part of the territory of the United States,
  • Also immigrants from all other countries in Latin America, where Spanish is the main language.

In contrast, among immigrants from Central and South America, are where most other languages ​​spoken as Spanish, not as Hispanics, eg Brazilian, Jamaican, Haitian, Guyanese and Belizeans.


Because often of similar social and political interests (promotion of bilingual education, facilitating the preservation of U.S. citizenship, improving medical care and working conditions for the socially disadvantaged, personification of religious values ​​in politics or combat discrimination ), the trend of the individual subgroups goes to increased identification with the total group of Hispanics, because it is here that represent their own cultural identity and interests against the majority of the white non-Hispanic U.S. citizens better.

Cultural and political importance to the United States of America today

The history of the Spanish settlers, the Hispanics - extended by numerous influences, especially in the area of ​​Central and South American Indians - go back, is closely interwoven with that of the United States. The first cities on the territory of the present United States, namely St. Augustine (now Florida, founded in 1565) and Santa Fe (now New Mexico, founded in 1610 ), were founded by Spanish settlers and were already before the first Pilgrim Fathers, the historical founding myth of the United States play the leading role, their set foot on land ( 1620).

Due to the demographic development since 2003 as largest U.S. minority, which is already the majority in some parts of the Southwestern United States ( especially in California and New Mexico), and their strong political mobilization as a relatively homogeneous group, their perception is since the 1980 years risen sharply. Its political importance is promoted by several factors:

All three factors strengthen the political importance of Hispanics who are therefore the most sought-after political minority.

With Bill Richardson, the only Hispanic governor of the United States (New Mexico State, a member of the Democratic Party ), a promising candidate of the minority group competed in 2008 for the first time to run for the presidency.

A relatively little known in the United States flag, which is used as a symbol of Hispanics, carries three crosses, symbolizing the three caravels ( Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria) with which Christopher Columbus sailed to America. Behind the middle cross is a setting sun, which represents the New World. This flag was used during the 1933 Pan-American Conference in Montevideo for the first time.
