Historical geology

Historical Geology is a branch of geology, and explores the history of the earth from its formation to the present.


As evidence of the past serve rocks, their strata ( lithofacies ) and the included fossils in them ( biofacies ). The temporal structure of the earth's history into sections is done using the stratigraphy ( relative dating ) and using the geochronology ( absolute dating ).

These findings show both fields, a geological time scale can create. It usually relative dating of individual rock units are made to each other. To compare the age of various sedimentary rocks index fossils can be used with the greatest possible dissemination. An absolute age determination is possible, especially using radiometric investigations of radioactive isotopes in the minerals of the rock. By analyzing the tectonic movements of the continents ( plate tectonics ) and, associated with it, the formation of mountains and paleomagnetism these results can be supplemented.

Time concepts of historical geology

  • Mya ... english million years ago, before ... million years ago (the date different calendars plays no role in these periods)

Simplified stratigraphic chart

The Structure of the Earth's geological time scale and see detail under paleo / Geological time scale.
