Historical reenactment

Reenactment (English " revival ", " enactment " ) is called the revival of concrete historical events in an authentic way possible. About the way of historical Wiedererlebbarkeit story should be made understandable and tangible. The historical re-enactment is the central part of the requirements laid down by the British philosopher and historian Robin George Collingwood theory of historiography. The reenactment of historical or legendary events, however, goes back to ancient times.


According to the theory of historiography is the reenactment of the task is to reconstruct on the basis of traditional sources of a very specific historical event of the past as authentically as possible. It should again be played through the thoughts and intentions of the original actors involved who have expressed in the past events. The scientific approach is the central prerequisite for the definition of modern reenactment.

In the English-speaking world, the reenactment was often reduced to the authentic military reenactment of historic battles and understood by the public. In fact, the word reenactment encloses civilian historical productions, which are due to historically documented individual events.

In addition to countless associations that deal in leisure time with the enactment of authentic historical events, also commercial reenactment groups have been formed, which occur on different occasions in public. It is not operated primarily the classic Collingwood'sche reenactment, but mostly Living History. In the public debate, but also in many groups blur these two different ways of displaying the interpretation of history, which is that it can often be overlap in both productions.

Persons who deal with re-enactment will be referred to in the scene colloquially as reenactors.

Term problem, overlap with other interpretations

In the public debate the various terms of the "game of the past " are often confused. While some publications on recreational events shorten the re-enactment on the presentation of battles are reenactment, LARP and Reenlarpment to sub-items of the Living History in educational journals.

In connection with the re-enactment and the Experimental archeology can be. Many historians see in both modes of operation a possible platform to collect historical experiences and perform valuable experiments. Both forms have worked in the past, hand in hand, or at least replaced.

In contrast to the time-and location-based re-enactment, the highest value on scientific authenticity, the approaches quite the fun and games section be moved Live Action Role Playing ( LARP ), if it relies on historical events, rather the Histotainment on, with the reenactment also should not be confused. In many media and publications Histotainment and reenactment often blurred or even used as synonyms. However reenactment can also be part of a Histotainments when serious historical documentaries wish to do so. In addition to the word Histotainment have synonyms such as edutainment and - especially for the documentary - formed Docutainment.

Also in the LARP, a form of fantasy role-playing game, it is of secondary importance to recreate actual historical events or to act with actual historically proven equipment. Nevertheless, the art word Reenlarpment has evolved for this very free form of historical interpretation. This can sometimes cause confusion.

Is often confused with Battle Reenactment display. Here is the collection of military objects in conjunction with a photographic or cinematic staging. The main focus here is on modern, often current military units, which are usually reconstructed by individuals from photos. The origin of this hobby is in the Asian region, there arose from the popular collection and modifying 1:6 miniatures.

Since Historians 2002 on the game scenes were examined in the historical documentation of the television journalist Guido Knopp, Histotainment called unscientific and dubious representation of alleged historical circumstances. This includes computer games, putative medieval markets, theme parks or Reality soaps, can collect supposedly authentic experiences with the past when candidates through role play in historical scenes. Critics of Histotainments see the special danger that an unbiased audience is not able to distinguish between fiction and reality. Story that was in the hands of producers or directors, will the mix of " found and invented " that could be molded according to the standards of those responsible. So wrong of history would be created in the minds of people that could correspond to a fashionable, intellectually or politically prevailing spirit in the worst case.

History and Development

At various occasions correct history diagrams will be added since the Roman Empire more or less. Special attention in this context play since the Middle Ages widespread passion plays to the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. At the time of Kaiser Wilhelm II, the diverse history diagrams and historical processions were particularly high in fashion. Most should be reminded of personalities and events in German history. In most cases, then a romanticized image of the epoch shown was drawn. From this time, among other things since 1903 with around 2,000 participants organized Landshut Wedding has received, at the celebration for days the Bavarian town of Landshut and its inhabitants 1475 closed wedding between the Polish princess Hedwig and the Landshut Duke 's son George.

In German-speaking countries are the roots of today's re-enactment scene that has formed since the 1970s, especially in England, but were encouraged by American soldiers in Germany. The organized since 1980 Wallenstein Festival, in about a week of stay of the commander of the imperial forces in the Thirty Years' War, Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Waldstein ( Wallenstein ), is re-enacted in 1630 in Memmingen, are About 4,500 participants are probably the largest regular " Reenactment " the world.

Today can be observed distinct national and cultural differences in the reconstruction of battles. So translated in the United States and Great Britain as well as historians of culture and tourism representatives a commonly animation methods and costumed actors to make clear historical events for a nationally historically alienated audience. As a concept of military tourism, the reenactment is therefore in Anglo-American countries less controversial, as for example in Germany, since the re-enactment takes place often a balancing act between unseriösem spectacle and scientific history is taught. More recently, groups from the independent theater scene have in America, especially in Pittsburgh and Chicago, approached in a critical manner of the presentation of re-enactment, which are here non-military events, but those from the working class and the protest movement in focus.


Many professional historians see in the reenactment for a honest effort in the reconstruction of individual artifacts and a possible platform to convey historical knowledge and, if necessary, to acquire new knowledge for science. On the other hand, they recognize " slapstick " and " Fantasy", as was often resorted example, in the representation of medieval events on " outdated old concepts of the 19th century " and no historical depth is available with the lack of scientific rigor. Therefore, distinction is often made between a scientific presentation by experimental archeology and museology, as well as an entertainment dienendem reenactment.

Since especially in Canada and the United States a vast number of spectators at live events in the past an all too authentic image of the past criticized and many historical facts and processes were not to mediate or partially met on ethical and legal barriers, often had sacrificing a realistic representation be made. In addition, the all-important for the reenactment immersion was more difficult in historical events by partially necessary explanations. In order to operate not to be exposed to professional criticism, icing history, some re-enactment groups have therefore clearly distanced in the past of public appearances in order to minimize the extent of the restrictions.

For some time, try some groups that the topic Waffen-SS have taken to incorporate ideologically one-sided flows in the re-enactment area. Crimes of the SS are made downplayed or denied. As a countermeasure, therefore reputable groups and associations have signed agreements which explicitly by National Socialist ideas, their institutions and groups that make up the subject of SS as its own, distancing themselves. The WWII Living History Agreement 2007 is an example and a consequence of this experience.

In the past, it is in the early medieval reenactment scene due to the use of swastika symbols in some groups that represent the Germans, came to a discussion that has spread to the fundamental question of the scientific nature of the approach. So it was also in this area of ​​re-enactments to a signed declaration by many groups and individuals, so they want to distance themselves also of extreme flows.
