HMS Albrighton (L12)

The frigate Raule (F 217) of the German Navy was a training ship, named after the kurbrandenburgischen General Marine Director Benjamin Raule ( 1634-1707 ). Names predecessor was the Räumbootbegleitschiff the Navy, the Raule.


The German Navy took over the frigate Raule in the rearmament of the Federal Republic of Germany from the UK. In services of the Royal Navy she went as Albrighton, an escort destroyer of the Hunt class. It was established in 1959 for the Navy underwater weapons school put into service and rebuilt over the years 1962 to 1964, while she was made ​​on 30 May 1962 to November 2, 1964 out of service. In 1967, she was decommissioned. 1970/1971 it was for a short time as a target ship use and was subsequently scrapped in Hamburg. Overall, seven school frigates were in this building phase in the service of the German Navy, which were grouped together for simplicity 's sake under the generic term school class frigates 138, although they all were by no means identical.

The call sign of the frigate was Raule DBVG.
