
Hoachanas actually! Hoaxa! Nâs [ Khi 1] is a small village, about 140 km south-east of Rehoboth, in the Hardap region of Namibia. About 7 km north- west of Hoachanas are settlement and airfield bitter water.

Its importance lies less in the presence than in the past: Since the 17th century Hoachanas was the center of the settlement of the Red Nation, that is based in South-West Africa Nama. From here, the respective recognized by all Nama companies Kaptein exercised his authority over all the other settled in the south of the country Nama and led his numerous campaigns against the advancing from the north Herero. But not only wars came from Hoachanas: here the important " Treaty of Hoachanas " between the Kaptein red nation Cornelis Oasib and Kaptein of Orlam Africans Jonker Afrikaner was closed on January 9, 1858. This date marks the culmination of the power of Nama (and the Orlam Africans. Noteworthy is from this period that Oasib for traveling traders and researchers free guest accommodation and even a the travelers had set up protective Aliens Police in Hoachanas.

On December 19, 1867 Hoachanas was again the scene of a peace agreement - but with the opposite meaning: After a costly campaign of the allied Africans and Nama against the Witbooi, the Nama were defeated and at the same time give up their dominance over all other Nama companies, so that this " second Peace of Hoachanas " the worst of the Nama - power represented. The place lost rapidly in importance and was not published until 1885 as a place of entering into a " protection contract " with the German colonial administration in the chronicles and then again 1887/88, as Hoachanas successfully attacked in connection with disagreements over the Kapteinssnachfolge three times by the Witbooi and almost completely was destroyed. 1904 was finally Hoachanas garrison of the German colonial force, thereby losing its name as the "capital of the Nama " - its meaning, the place had been lost in 1867.

- 23.91666666666718.05Koordinaten: 23 ° 55 ' S, 18 ° 3' O

  • Location in Namibia
  • History ( Namibia)
  • Hardap
  • Place in Africa