Hoher Ziegspitz

The High Ziegspitz is a 1864 m high mountain in the Alps, Oberammergau, Bavaria. It forms the western terminus of the Kramer Group. Its name derives not from goat, but by so-called trains used by avalanche strokes are referred to (cf. Zugspitze ).


The High Ziegspitz is located approximately seven miles as the crow flies west of Garmisch -Partenkirchen and forms the westernmost peak of the Kramer Group. To the south east a ridge extending to the secondary peaks Rauhenstein (1728 m) and the high Rauheck (1636 m). To the northeast, the burr profile to 1815 m high Middle Ziegspitz continues. Above the tree line, which in this case is about 1500 m, the High Ziegspitz of grassy slopes and mountain pine is characterized, in the area of the west ridge to Rauheck dominated felsigeres terrain.


The summit is accessible as an easy hike from Garmisch- Partenkirchen, with the increase on the north-east location Stepbergalm ( 1583 m) leads. A further increase is from the westerly Rotmoosalpe about the Middle Ziegspitz to the summit. Another, more difficult trail on the south west Grießberg hut ( 1428 m) and the Rauheck through craggy ground.


  • Alpine Club map 1:25,000, sheet BY7, Ammergebirge East

Summit cross of the High Ziegspitz, built in 1975
