
Longspine Husar ( Holocentrus rufus)

Holocentrus is only two types of species of fish of the Hussars ( Holocentrinae ). The two species occur in tropical and subtropical areas of the Atlantic Ocean.


The Holocentrus species are 35 to 60 cm long and are colored predominantly reddish, the fins can also be whitish or orange. Under the rear of the hartstrahligen portion of the dorsal fin is an angular, broad, white band on the sides of the body pulls down. Striking feature is the extended front part of the soft-rayed portion of the dorsal fin. The caudal fin is deeply forked, but unbalanced with a longer upper lobe. The number of gill Reuse rays on the lower branch of the first gill arch is 15 to 18 ( inclusive of the rudimentary rays and those at the angle).

Way of life

Both species are nocturnal and hide during the day in caves and coral blocks. During the day, they hunt over sand bottoms and seagrass beds for crabs, shrimp, other crustaceans, snails and brittle stars.

