
Holophrastischer linguistic structure refers to the ability to express themselves in the first phase of language acquisition by holophrases ( so-called one-word utterances ) ( holophrastisch = Greek: the content of a sentence with a word expressing ); For example, "Go! " / " Come! " / " Mama! " or even own neologisms such as " Lalo " for "I 'm thirsty. I want to drink milk. Get the bottle please! "And the like.

Phase of holophrases

This ability begins at the age of ten to twelve months. These complex ideas of the child are expressed. They relate to the overall situation and wishes, feelings, comfort or discomfort express or imply more than is understood in the language of adults including, but can not be expressed precisely by the missing vocabulary.

Says the child, for example, " ball ", that does not necessarily mean that this object should be named, but perhaps expresses his desire to own or getting it back when it is rolled away this ball.

Often children press their needs in conjunction with a pointing gesture, eg "da". The words initially used are usually of alternating vowels and consonants. In this Einwortphase preferred the child nouns, but descriptions of situations, objects, or people are freely interchangeable.

Pace and conditions of language acquisition

The acquisition of language the child is progressing extremely fast, but voice talent or intelligence are here obviously less important than the physical development to perceive different impressions and to coordinate this.

In language acquisition, there are some crucial conditions:

  • Brain plasticity in childhood
  • The direct involvement of the child in certain speech acts
  • The immediate direction of attention, for example, an object in the environment
  • Encouraging utterances by parents
  • Why questions of parents