Holy League (1684)

The Holy League was an alliance of the Holy Roman Empire with other European powers against the Ottoman Empire. It was on March 5, 1684 through the mediation of Pope Innocent XI. founded on the initiative of Emperor Leopold I.. Members were next to the Empire first Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Maritime Republic of Venice and a few other Christian monarchies, from 1686 also the Moscow kingdom.

This was preceded by the Ottoman defeat before Vienna in 1683, which marked a turning point in the history of the Ottoman Empire. Between 1685 and 1689 territories were conquered by the League, which had belonged for centuries to the Ottoman Empire: Hungary, Transylvania, Serbia, at times even the Greek Peloponnese. The greatest military success of the League was the victory at the Battle of Mohács ( 1687 ).

  • Turkish wars
  • Military alliance
  • History of Venice
  • 1684