Home remedy

Home remedies are simple domestic means and measures for self-medication, which are handed down among other things private, often family or in guidebooks.

In a figurative sense it is called a house means any form of non-professional solution or application and the non - medical field.

However, particular care physicians and healers know some home remedies and relate them in a treatment regimen with a. Often certain foods or teas, as well as wraps and hot or cold applications are used as baths. The Social Medicine provides for the application of home remedies as part of the autonomous, automatic participation of the patient.

Home remedies are considered to be problematic in the medical field if they worsen a disease or delay timely medical treatment. Home remedies are usually fraught with few side effects, but also allergies, infections, disorders of the circulatory system or the regulation of body temperature can be caused depending on home remedies. Here the advice of a doctor should be sought in prolonged discomfort in any case.

  • Naturopathy