
Under Homiletics (Gr. ὁμιλητική τέχνη = the art of dealing ) is understood in theology the doctrine of preaching.

Homiletics as a theological discipline

The Homiletics is a part of Practical Theology (Protestant ) or the Pastoral Theology (Catholic ). It clarifies the involvement of rhetoric and communication studies the theological meaning and methods of the communication process, the representative of the sermon. The homilists is a teacher teaching this area.


According to the classical distinction of Alexander Schweizer (1808-1888) homiletics deals with the question of

  • The essence of preaching ( homiletics principle: among others in authority and purpose of the sermon )
  • Their content ( substantive Homiletics: originally especially about the Bible text and its interpretation )
  • And its design (formal homiletics: eg about language comparisons ... ).
  • Add to that the pastoral homiletics: on the Pastoral Ministry of the preacher. In recent homiletics method works by " homiletic Triangle" ( the speaker, the listener and the Bible text as the basis of the sermon ) is an important feature.

Content of the sermon

In churches with a fixed liturgy is often the underlying biblical text - as in a 3 -year cycle - specified. Elsewhere, the single preacher free to decide - as part of the ordinary in his community. It is the basic question of whether the sermon starts from a Bible text or a factual issue (ie text sermon or sermon topic is ).

The content of a sermon is to be new, but also correct - and important. These requirements may be in tension with each other.

Form of preaching

The outer design of the sermon there are several areas to consider with - here in brief, partly formulated as an alternative:

  • Didactics: short sentences, informative (promotes attention) - but not unnecessarily detailed, key sentence stress, prepare initial and final special, repetitions ( possibly before / after the sermon ).
  • Rhetoric, talk or read or written language dialect -free, gesture, facial expression, articulation.
  • Assistive: microphone, projector, short film or music recording import.

Concerns: good sermons

The homiletics reflected to improve the process with the goal of preaching. So you deal with defects, they problematized. Homiletic literature describes not easy, but criticizes and advises, it is often normative. Because it aims at an ideal. However, this can look different depending on the denomination, age and individual. The Question: What is " good preaching "? will therefore be answered in different ways, depending on the Ideal: Is it all about comprehensibility to practicality to voltage to an artistic and literary creation, or content to wealth? This latter aspect can itself be understood differently again: When it comes to new insights to spiritual impulses moving to a wealth of information?

Different homiletic priorities

Some book titles represent the " homiletics " an adjective ahead, eg Teaching Homiletics, rhetorical homiletics, or Dramaturgical homiletics. This shows the respective homilists, which specialty he attaches particular importance to the homiletics, perhaps due to its own special skills. An adjective can " preach " before be asked, for example, preach pastoral or preaching ecumenical. Humor and its potential for the Christian sermon: Sometimes the link of a particular discipline with the homiletics by " and", such as homiletics and psychology, or by more detailed book title, such as takes place. The book titles mentioned refer to the variety of directions and approaches that can be made fruitful for the preaching.
