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As Hominini a tribe of the family of great apes ( Hominidae ) is called. This tribe includes the species of the genus Homo, including the people living today (Homo sapiens ) and the extinct ancestors of this genus, but not the common ancestor of chimpanzees and Homo. The only non- extinct species of Hominini is the man. Belonging to the Hominini is called a hominin, belonging to the Hominidae as a hominid.


The Hominini following genera are now counted in addition to the species of the genus Homo:

  • Sahelanthropus (disputed )
  • Orrorin (disputed )
  • Ardipithecus (disputed )
  • Australopithecus / Kenyanthropus
  • Paranthropus

For terminological confusion ensures that in the elderly, and occasionally in recent literature the term hominid is used in the sense of hominin. This is against the background that the taxonomist to the 1980s, the taxonomy of Linnaeus followed, the only orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees in the family of great apes ( Pongidae ) summarized and these of the genuine human family ( Hominidae; eingedeutscht: hominids, therefore hominid ) - with Homo sapiens is the only living species - had faced. Due to genetic comparisons but was later shown that chimpanzees and gorillas are more closely related to humans than with the orangutans. Therefore, humans, chimpanzees and gorillas were together with all their fossil ancestors to a common taxon summarized ( hominin ) and this in addition to the plant species of orang- utans ( Ponginae ) provided.

To delineate the ancestral line of humans from that of chimpanzees and gorillas terminology (which is also the outdated special position of man in the family tree of species conserved ), was introduced by some paleoanthropologists as a further subdivision of the tribe Hominini ( people plus ancestors ), and also the tribe Gorillini ( gorillas plus ancestors ) and Panini ( chimps plus ancestors ); individual scientists believe - notwithstanding the preceding paragraph - the gorillas, chimpanzees and ancestors of both the term Panini together.

Alternatively, the chimpanzees were assigned to a common taxon with the man and his ancestors from individual researchers, this taxon of them - which can lead to considerable irritation - also called Hominini; man and his ancestors are then assigned to a subtribe Hominina.

The anthropologist Volker Sommer noted in this context - but with a low rate percentages - to:

Timeline of Hominini genera


Common characteristics of Hominini the upright, bipedal gait, and the associated anatomical features, the deviations from the basic blueprint of primates represent (Primates ):

  • Extension of the hind limbs and transformation to walking legs
  • Redesign of the rear feet by extending the metatarsal shortening of the toes and increasing loss of Opponierbarkeit of the big toe
  • Significant remodeling of the pelvis, increasing the ilium to accommodate larger loads and altered expression of the hip joints
  • Enlargement of the birth canal in adaptation to the enlarged brain volume of the newborns
  • Transformation of the hands of the forelimbs to grip members for objects (instead of climbing ) by shortening the metacarpal
  • Increasing flattening of the chest