Honda Tadakatsu

Honda Tadakatsu (Japanese本 多 忠 胜, * 1548, † December 3, 1610 ), son of Honda Tadataka, was a Japanese general who fought under Tokugawa Ieyasu. In 1590 he became the first daimyo of the Han Otaki ( 100,000 koku ). 1601 was awarded for his contribution of Tokugawa Ieyasu, instead, the Kuwana han ( 150 000 koku ).

He is in Tatsuki Shrine (龙城 神社, Tatsuki -jinja ) enshrined in Okazaki than Kami.


  • 岡崎 史跡 と 文化財 めぐり(Eng. " hike to the historical and cultural sites in Okazaki "). 1st edition, Okazaki 2003
  • Daimyo
  • Japanese
  • Born in 1548
  • Died in 1610
  • Man
  • Tokugawa Ieyasu