Honolulu Hale

The Honolulu Hale ( Hale means house in Hawaiian ) in Honolulu (Hawaii ) is the official administrative center of Honolulu County. In the Honolulu Hale, which opened on November 26, 1929, are the chambers of the Mayor and the City Council.

It was built by the architect CW Dickey, Hart Wood, Robert G. Miller, Guy Rothwell and Marcus C. Lester in the Italianate and modern Spanish colonial style and has four floors, which is based at the front to Punchbowl Street standing on medieval designs designed Tower of six. As a building material was used primarily structural steel and reinforced concrete. The roof is clad in terracotta. Are located on the frontage to King Street, the three main entrances with portal arch, above a balcony, this side of the building all round.

As part of the Hawaii Capital Historic District Honolulu Hale was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on January 12, 1978.
