

Hooglede is a Belgian municipality located in the Flemish region with 9895 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2012). It consists of the main town and the village Gits.


Four miles southeast lies Roeselare, 20 km south-east of Kortrijk, Bruges, 26 km north, 45 km east-northeast of Ghent and Brussels, some 90 km east of Hooglede.

The nearest motorway exit is located at Ardooie on the A17. In Roeselare, lights Velde and Mark Korte offers the nearest regional stations and in Bruges and Ghent keep on regional express trains. At the east end there is a regional airport near the capital Brussels there is an international airport.

War cemetery

In Hooglede is one of the four surviving German military cemeteries from the First World War. The others are in Vladslo, long cord and Menen.
