
Prejudice to the special areas

  • Mathematics Abstract Algebra
  • Linear Algebra
  • Commutative Algebra

Is a special case of

A Hopf algebra - named after the mathematician Heinz Hopf - over a field is a Bialgebra with a - linear map, called the " antipode ", so that the following diagram commutes:

Formally, in the Sweedler notation - named after Moss Sweedler - written means:

Folding and antipode

Be an algebra and a coalgebra. The - linear maps from to form an algebra with product, called convolution, defined by

The neutral element in this algebra is because

And correspondingly

For a Bialgebra form - linear maps from to in this way an algebra. The antipode is the inverse to the identity mapping element in this algebra. that is

It can be shown that the antipode of a Hopf algebra is always unique, and at the same time is a Antialgebrahomomorphismus and a Anticoalgebrahomomorphismus. Using this fact can calculate the value of the antipode on each element of the Hopf algebra, if the values ​​of the antipode are known on a algebra of generators.


Group algebra

A simple example of a Hopf algebra is the group algebra. It is carried


To a Bialgebra, the antipode

Makes it a Hopf algebra.

Universal enveloping algebra

The universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra is naturally a Hopf algebra. For an element of the coproduct is by

And the Koeins by


Defines the antipode.

Group -like and primitive elements

An element of a Hopf algebra is called " group -like" when and. Then for the antipode.

An element is called " primitive " when. It follows that and.

An element is called " skew primitive " when and with group -like elements. It follows that and.
