
Horbaef (after reading other Baefhor ) was a prince of the ancient Egyptian 4th Dynasty. His family connections are not entirely clear. He was probably a son of Pharaoh Khufu and married to Meresanch II, who was probably his sister. As children of Horbaef his son Djati and a daughter named Neferetkau are attested.

His grave

Horbaef most likely belongs the mastaba G 7420 on the Eastern Cemetery of the Pyramid of Cheops. Besides some relief fragments of a small wooden statuette woman was found in this grave condition, which dates back to the 6th Dynasty. The Mastaba settled assign Horbaef due to a large sarcophagus of red granite, which now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and called his name. The exact position of this Fund sarcophagus had not been noted in the excavation. Due to its enormous size, the Mastaba G 7420, however, the only plausible place of origin, as all other eligible mastabas have too small a grave chamber.
