Hornungia alpina

Gämskresse ( Hornungia alpina)

Called The Gämskresse ( Hornungia alpina, synonyms Pritzelago alpina, Hutchinsia alpina), also Alpine Gämskresse or Gemskresse, belongs to the family of the cruciferous plants (Brassicaceae ). The former genus name is derived from the German Pritzelago botanical writer Georg August Pritzel (* 1812 - † 1874) from. The former genus name Hutchinsia is named after the Irish botanist Ellen Hutchins (* 1785 - † 1815).

The plant tastes like a cross and is often consumed with chamois. Contains mustard oils in green parts and seeds.

The Gämskresse is a cushion plant of the European high mountains.


Lime Gämskresse (H. alpina subsp. Alpina)

The perennial herbaceous plant reaches heights of growth between 5 to 12 cm. It forms rosettes, the leaves are pinnate to pinnately lobed. The petals are 3.5 to 5 mm long and 2-3 mm wide, narrowing abruptly into the stem-like lower part. The inflorescence is elongated after flowering. The fruits are 4-5 mm long and contain 1.7 to 2.2 mm long seeds. The stylus is 0.2 to 0.5 mm long.

The chromosome number is 2n = 12

Bloom time is from May to August. As a location preferred the lime-loving subspecies sickerfrische rock swards in the subalpine to alpine altitude level. It penetrates montane ago in the river sediment. In Austria it is often, but lacking in Burgenland and Vienna.

Silicate Gämskresse (H. alpina subsp. Brevicaulis )

The perennial herbaceous plant reaches heights of growth between 2 to 5 cm. The petals are 2.5 to 4 mm long and 1-2 mm wide, narrows gradually in the stem-like lower part. The stylus is 0.1 to 0.2 mm long. The inflorescence after flowering hardly extended. The fruits are 3.5 to 4 mm in length and containing seeds which are 1.2 to 1.5 mm long.

The chromosome number is 2n = 12

Bloom time is from July to August. As the site preferably the kalkmeidende plant rock corridors, Schneetälchen ( Blue Kress hall) in the alpine altitude level. In Austria it is scattered to rarely - missing in Burgenland, Vienna and Lower Austria.

Snowcovered Gämskresse (H. alpina subsp. Austro alpina)

Petals and inflorescence as in silicate Gämskresse, fruit and pen as with lime Gämskresse. In Austria up to now not yet been demonstrated, however, may be present in the Southern Alps. Distribution area in the Julian Alps.
