
Horsemanship, from English ( Horseman, English:. Horseman ), was originally in the translation a collective term for the art of riding in general. Today is meant by Horsemanship, also expanded as "Natural (or" Good " ) Horsemanship " means, the art, with horses of course, that is humane for horses / horse of course deal with it. Dealing to have meaning, especially for the horse. The aim of Horsemanship is the harmonious partnership between humans and animals. Only methods and tools to be applied which do not overtax the horse and cause him no pain or fear, both in the ground work, as well as when riding. The rider or horse trainer is to understand the body language of the horse and correctly interpret to communicate with the horse, while retaining their leadership skills.

In some equestrian competitions, such as the Hestadagar the horsemanship, so the handling of the rider with the horse during the completion of the examination paper will be specially assessed. In a broader sense, the term also includes horsemanship and the welfare of not only the fair handling of the horse, but also with fellow riders.

The Seven Games

In the horsemanship area are among the unforgettable "Seven Games", which form the basis of the constitutional exercises. They are initially "On Line" played and only later "At Liberty"

  • Friendly game ( Friendly Game )

This game should be played often between the other to get the attention of the horse and build trust. The point is to show for the horse an unfamiliar situation that could frighten it. Just do not want to do it, though. Ideally, the animal remains quiet and allowed to stand, this shows a great deal of confidence. It is important that the whole game is in rhythm. For example, if begun to move the horse around and then to throw himself on his back, so it has to happen later - with an unchanged order! This serves not to overwhelm the horse with this situations.

  • Porcupine Game

In this game uses a very slowly building pressure on any part of the horse's body. The pressure disappears immediately when the horse gives way to him. This is followed by a confidential rubbing the place to tell the horse that his reaction was correct. It is particularly important that the horse is the pressure on the forehand and the Hinder hand gives way easily.

  • Points to signs

After the horse without problems has given way to the pressure, you can begin to exercise symbolic pressure. Do this every day horses in their herd. The horse should be able to give way forward, but also individual areas of the body should be soft. The Hilfengebung to be used for this is: backward: wave your hand forehand: the horses eye show Hindquarters hand towards Hinder hand swing but remains important still praising after each unit. This should not follow with an impersonal Leckerlie, but with a slight neck throbbing.

  • Jo Jo

This game is about to send the horse with the help of the rope forward and backward. forward: rope piece by piece and a little energetic, seek, without resorting to violence backwards: more and more with the rope wag Once the horse the correct response shows one ceases to move the rope.

  • Measure exactly

The circles is not the normal lunge, but a more refined style that will go in similar direction. Just as when you sent this lunging the horse on a rope circles and allow people to walk around, in the gait, which is required of him. Initially, the man sends the beast going in the desired gait. It should now be something went two rounds as before again referred to it by a change of pace. If the horse without that it was desired to change the pace, so we bring it back to himself in and sends it going again. It is important that you let the horse at rest, if it follows the statement.

  • Sideways

The horse should go to a sign sideways. This can be practiced so that it represents the horse to a fence, so it can not move forward, and only then forehand, hindquarters then sends sideways.

  • Bottleneck

It should be started at several meters, but can be reduced later on and only about 60 centimeters. It trains the trust and makes loading easier later. The horse should go after the people through the bottleneck without refuse.

Literature and sources

  • Welz, Heinz: " Horsemanship - what is it? ", In: Pegasus - Leisure in the saddle, Issue 10, October 2008, Singh oven 2008
  • Parelli, Pat; Parelli, Karen; Gieseke, Ulrike [Übers ]; Natural horsemanship; Wipperfuerth 1995 ISBN 3-89118-093-4
  • Code of Conduct
  • Riding and Driving
  • Horses communication