
HotJava is a web browser from Sun Microsystems, which was written entirely in the Java programming language and the first browser called Java applets could perform. Sun developed the Mosaic clones under the name WebRunner ( after the movie Blade Runner ) from 1994 for Java developers to test their programs and as a reference platform. He was later renamed HotJava.

The browser was among developers appropriate attention, never achieved in comparison to the time on the market popular browsers such as Windows Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, however, of great importance. This had two reasons. The browser was compared with the above-mentioned competitors less functionality and features. In addition, HotJava was by the technical limitations of that Java Virtual Machine ( both in terms of speed, as well as memory requirements ) very slowly.

In 2000, the HotJava project was officially terminated.

The idea of ​​a Java-based browser was picked up shortly after the release of HotJava end of 1997 by Netscape. Netscape announced in December 1997 on the development of Javagator ( a composition of Java and Netscape's then -spread Netscape Navigator). The project came to a halt in front of a publication already in the following year. Another attempt at a web browser written in Java represents the Jazilla project, which was never actually officially discontinued, but has produced any news or updates more since 2006.
