
HotSauce, previously known as Project X is a mid-1990s, Apple developed software for three-dimensional visualization of websites. Contained HTML links were shown in tree form in a three-dimensional picture-frame in a web page based on the data format Meta Content Format. By clicking on the link you could go to the page whose address had been clicked.

Hotsauce was implemented via an expansion module for WWW browser that was available for 68K, Power Macintosh and Windows computers.

Soon after the introduction of the technique evinced Netscape interest and pledged his support to the format. Netscape was planning to support in his own project Constellation. Within a short time presented hundreds of great deals on the internet meta- information in the meta- content format available, including Yahoo!. Nevertheless, Apple in 1997, shortly after Steve Jobs returned to the company, the development of the project, a.

HotSauce is now regarded as an early feasibility study for a 3D Finder for the Macintosh operating system is Mac OS.
